Rahim Razmgir
Author, Teacher, Entrepreneur
One of the crazy ones
Upcoming Adventures
IELTS1 is a new project I have started with a good friend of mine. Our first product will be a new kind of IELTS writing preparation book. We have tried to include every detail, tip, and trick we know about IELTS essay writing as a result of our 20+ years of experience as educators in the field.
You can learn more about this project on the IELTS1 website.
A web development company based in Toronto, Canada that has been around very quietly since 2017. The 3rd version of its website is launching soon with new added services. I hope I can grow this business a bit faster and do so a lot less quietly this time.
A galaxy of art! An online store for original works of art from paintings and sculptures to photography and digital art. This project is gradually coming to life.